
Friday, February 3, 2017

Licorice controles Heart and cholesterole Problems

Controle cholestrole and Heart Problems

Research studies have proved that licorice roots help in controlling cholesterol levels by increasing the body’s flow of bile and also reducing high blood cholesterol levels. The anti-oxidant property of licorice acts in increasing the blood capillary health, reducing inflammation, prevents blood vessel damage and block development of arterial plaque.

ANTI-ULCER For Stomach, intestine and mouth,

ANTI-ULCER For Stomach, intestine and mouth,
The potent antioxidant and anti-inflamatory properties of licorice makes it the best natural medicinal aid to treat ulcers of stomach, intestine and mouth. The compound carbenoxolone synthesized from glycyrrhizin plays key role in healing mouth and gastric ulcers along with reducing gastric secretions and promoting development of intestinal mucus lining. 

Licorice give protection from Allergies


 Liquorice due to these properties has ability to cure the chronic inflammation like rheumatic problems & arthritis, skin diseases and autoimmune diseases. It also heals the inflammation related  to eye and  conjunctivitis due to glycyrrhizin activity that comes from cortisol.
Liquorice boosts immune system and hence stops allergies that related to weak immune system. Liquose strengthens the defence mechanism of body and makes it capable to fight against virus and bacteria.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Licorice an anti bacterial Herb


Licorice has antibacterial effects due to the presence of Glycyrrhizin in it , this item stops the growth of micro organism hence cure the infections. Its extract also has power to control the malaria and influenza. It also stops the herpes due to its antiviral effects.

Immune problem and Licorice


Liquorice boosts immune system and hence stops allergies that related to weak immune system. Liquose strengthens the defence mechanism of body and makes it capable to fight against virus and bacteria.


LIVER DAMAGE AND JAUNDICE – Licorice is used to treat jaundice. Its antioxidant property is the key for preventing liver from the action of free radicals and toxic materials. This herb is also reported to exhibit protection against diclofenac induced toxicity and also, in inhibiting damage of liver.

MEMORY LOSS treatment with Licorice

Liquorice makes adrenal gland performance better which further results better performance of brain and learning ability but its antioxidant property (Liquorice, or licorice contains flavonoids) renders a shielding effect on the brain cells.
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